Acids and bases
1. Tastes sour
2. Turns blue litmus paper red
3. PH<7
4. Hydrogen ions must be present- H+
Hydrochloric acid-> HCl
Sulfuric acid-> H2SO4
Nitric acid-> HNO3
Ethanoic acid-> CH3COOH
Carbonic acid-> H2CO3
Strong acids: Hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, Nitric acid (pH value-1?)
Weak acids: Ethanoic acid, Carbonic acid (pH value- 4?)
HCl(g)- covalent bonding
-H20-> H+(aq)+ Cl-(aq)
1. Remeber all the relevant polyatomic ions- SO4 2-, CO3 2-, NO3 2-, NH4 +.
- Compare HCl and vinegar.
hydrochloric acid-> stomach acid-> HCl -> H+ Cl-
nitric acid-> acid rain-> HNO3 -> H+ NO3 -
sulfuric acid-> acid rain-> H2SO4 -> H+ H+ SO4 2-
phosphoric acid-> cola-> H3PO4-> H+ H+ H+ PO4 3-
acetic acid-> vinegar-> CH3COOH-> H+ CH3COO-
Particle views:
Weak acid-> mostly molecules, few ions
Strong acids-> all ions (not all dissociated)
- completely dissociate in water (Hydrochloric acid: strong)
Reactions of acids:
1. Acid+ metal-> salt+ hydrogen gas
2. acid+ carbonates-> salt+ water carbon dioxide gas
3. acid+ base-> salt and water
(Salts are mainly ionic compounds- metal and non-metal)
- Hydrochloric acid+ Magnesium-> magnesium chloride +hydrogen gas
(minus H-> Cl)
Cl- Chloride
I- Iodide
Br- Bromide
N3- Nitride
O2- Oxide
S2- Sulfide
SO4 2- sulfate
SO3 2- sulfite
NO3 - nitrate
PO4 3- phospate
- calcium (Ca) +sulfuric acid(H2 S04) -> calcium sulfate+ hydrogen gas
- sodium carbonate (Na2 CO3)+ hychrochloric acid(HCl)-> Sodium chloride+ carbon dioxide+ water
- nitric acid(HNO3)+ sodium hydroxide (NaOH)-> sodium nitrate(Na NO3)+ water (H2O)
Common bases:
sodium hydroxide-> drain cleaner-> NaOH-> Na+ (OH)-
magnesium hydroxide-> antacid tablets-> Mg (OH)2 -> Mg2+ (OH)- (OH)-
ammonia-> window cleaner-> NH3-> NH4+ (OH)-
HCl(g)----H2O-----> H+(aq)+ Cl-(aq)
NaOH(s)-------H2O------> Na+(aq)+ OH-(aq)
Alkalis-> soluble in water to form a solution
KOH(s)-----H2O-----> K+(aq) + OH-(aq)
Base: pH>7
Acid: pH<7
Neutral: pH=7
Weak base:pH=8-11 (partial dissociation)
1) Acid+Base- Neutralization reactions
2) Base+ammonium salt
Base: pH>7
Acid: pH<7
Neutral: pH=7
Weak base:pH=8-11 (partial dissociation)
1) Acid+Base- Neutralization reactions
2) Base+ammonium salt
- nitric acid(HNO3) + ammonia (NH4+ OH-) -> ammonium nitrate+water(H + OH-)
- ammonium nitrate+ magnesium hydroxide-> magnesium nitrate+water+ammonia gas
-Dissociation equation
-Chemical formula
-Reaction of acids
-Dissociation equation
-Chemical formula
-Reaction of bases